Monday, August 27, 2007

yī lù shùn fēng

Hooray! The time has come and I leave for China tomorrow! I'm blowing off all responsibilities, no steaming wallpaper off the walls in my house, no looking for a job, no studying, no saving money for a rainy day, I'm breaking out and heading for a much needed adventure. For those of you not in the "know" I'll be backpacking through China starting in Beijing and ending in Hong Kong after three weeks (literally I booked this two weeks ago, out of the blue!). This trip has been a life long dream and I'm so excited my toes, limbs and skin tingle, my blood is frolicking through my veins and I feel like I'm crazy in love! So instead of being "no fun Corrinna" I'm changing into "carrying a fifty pound backpack, sweaty, eyes in awe, can't take enough pictures Corrinna" Hello American tourist! Heck yeah! I hope to post pictures and thoughts as I trek though a country that I have been fascinated with since I was a child. I'll miss you all and I can't wait to explore!


Gerblaw said...

Please be safe! We want you home healthy to lay more bricks. Have so much fun please!!! Susan and Janice

Trish said...

Very impressive, Corrinna. These are the times of our lives! As one single lady traveler to another, be safe, always always Always trust your gut and enjoy the Spicy Schezuan Beef for breakfast!

Sam said...

Be safe and carry your money in your bra - recommended by Kevin's mom who just got back from 3 weeks in Mexico, who was with someone who got your wallet stolen.

See you when you get back!

Matt said...

Have fun and don't get shanghaied (man that was funny, okay maybe not hilarious but creative). Good job on your first assignment, Yi Jianlian agreed to sign with Milwaukee today. Take care.

PS Rob's parents highly recommend taking the easy way up the Great Wall.

Unknown said...

Get me a chinese phone book. I need to see how many chins there really are!